Hail To The King Baby! (Random Musings About A Surprise Gem)

Kuroyukihime Anime's No. 1 Beautiful Character

Kuroyukihime Anime’s No. 1 Beautiful Character

Might as well have read Anime’s No. 1 heroine for 2012.  Anyway not sure of the full context of the magazine or even which one it’s from but man do some characters just kind of have it all going.  Not only do many consider this to be the most attractive character out there in 2012, but also one of the most interesting, bravest, coolest, craftiest, most cunning and most capable too meaning it was rarely a dull moment whenever she was on camera.  She’s also the flat out best at everything the show is about too but unlike Kirito in SAO she totally gets away with it and doesn’t have to face the Mary/Gary Stu accusations that Kirito got.  Is she just that above that sort of thing in viewers eyes?  Kawahara Reki’s universe just seems so unfair at times, maybe there’s need for a change of venue.  If there’s ever an Accel World appearance in Super Robot Wars (please let this happen Bamco!  You put Tekkaman Blade, Orgun, Virtual-On and even Heroman in there so I’m sure this is doable) Char Aznable can recruit her into his army (you know he’d totally want to for more than one reason 0.0) and along with Haman Khan they can go off and try to conquer the world together and she can learn how to be second best at some things.   Continue reading ‘Hail To The King Baby! (Random Musings About A Surprise Gem)’

Dio’s Bizarre Adventure (The End of Phantom Blood)

[Nutbladder] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 09 [52698426].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2012.12.02_18.05.20]

Be it as a severed head Dio will just continue to keep coming back,  his burning ambition is that strong

I said I’d make some posts here for a bit so why not start off with something I really enjoy to wash away the unpleasantness of the last post.  Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure was always a bit of a dark horse for me though I knew the manga material was probably up my alley being from the 80’s and free of some of the modern trappings of anime that truth be told I do occasionally grow weary of.   Continue reading ‘Dio’s Bizarre Adventure (The End of Phantom Blood)’

The Day Animesuki Decided Oppressing A Voice Was More Important Than Accomodating All Viewpoints

Well it finally happened, I’ve been permanently banned from Animesuki after all of these years for refusing to abide by what I felt was an arbitrary and unfair moderator condition and sticking to my guns of trying to be an honest, fair and progressive poster.  What exactly was the condition I refused to follow and felt it was more important to put my voice and opinion ahead of people might ask, well this is the last message I received from the moderator who has appeared to have it out for me quite some time:

Continue reading ‘The Day Animesuki Decided Oppressing A Voice Was More Important Than Accomodating All Viewpoints’

[Epitanime 2012] Ryukishi07’s conference transcriptions

Hey there everyone! I guess I shouldn’t make any more excuses, but well I guess I will keep posting special posts such like about events like I did starting 2 years ago (although having a once per year update is quite sad in retrospect).
Anyway, as the title suggest, this entry will cover the conferences held at Epitanime (France, 25-27 may 2012), with Ryukishi07 as the guest of honor. I decide to stick with the transcription alone, as I had an uncommon status during the convention, so I was helping the staff almost full time, so I unfortunately couldn’t exactly take part of the convention activities, check what the booth had at their disposal, nor even taking few pictures, so it would be a lump of text with just description of what I did with Ryukishi07 and the staff (well, unless you REALLY want to know about the boring stuff, but heh unlikely).
Anyway, considering the staff had set a conference for both Saturday and Sunday, we simply focused each of them on Higurashi and Umineko respectively.


[Note for french readers/Note pour les lecteurs français]: Salut tout le monde! Bon, je sais que je ne dois plus vraiment chercher d’excuses à ce sujet, donc je pense que je vais simplement continuer à faire des billets spéciaux sur des événements dont j’ai pu participé (même si une mise à jour par an est assez triste quand on y pense).
Bien, comme le titre le suggère, ce billet va passer en revu les conférences tenues à l’Epitanime (France, 25-27 mai 2012), avec Ryukishi en tant qu’invité d’honneur. J’ai décidé de limiter cet article sur les transcriptions uniquement, vu que j’avais une position assez différente durant la convention, en aidant le staff presque durant tout le temps de la convention, donc je n’ai malheuresement pas pu participer aux activités de la conventions, passer en revu les stands et les marchandises dont ils disposaient, et je n’ai pu faire que très peu de photo, donc à ce rythme, ca aurait été un bloc de texte avec juste des descriptions de ce que j’ai fait avec Ryukishi07 et le staff (sauf si vous voulez VRAIMENT savoir ce qu’on a fait, pas specialement excitant).
Enfin donc, vu que le staff avait prevu une conference pour Samedi ET Dimanche, nous avons focalisé le theme de chacune de celles ci sur Higurashi et Umineko respectivement.
Si vous voulez passer directement sur la partie francaises, après le dash, faites CTRL+F, avec “frmode” (sans les guillemets).

Continue reading ‘[Epitanime 2012] Ryukishi07’s conference transcriptions’

Japan Expo 2011: Gems digged up from dirt of mediocrity. Impressions, Loot and more

It certainly has been a very long while I didn’t make any blog post, hasn’t it?
Quite a familiar sentence isn’t it? Well I guess this kind of post once in a while is always fine, so long I enjoy doing them. Anyway folks, this is yet again a little report of what I’ve been doing at the Japan Expo of this year.

Content: description of my little adventure during 4 days at Japan Expo (France, Paris, Parc des Expositions), goodsmile company booth, tsubameyado, loot and many more. Also, I’ve got my camera this time!

Continue reading ‘Japan Expo 2011: Gems digged up from dirt of mediocrity. Impressions, Loot and more’

[C] The Money of Possibility And Soul Control – A Cult Classic In The Making

Wow….what can I say.  I just got finished watching the final episode a rather peculiar (to put it mildly) noitaminA show that styles itself by the rather bizarre name [C] The Money of Possibility and Soul Control.

Continue reading ‘[C] The Money of Possibility And Soul Control – A Cult Classic In The Making’

Japan Expo 2010: When Hell meets Heaven. Impressions, Loot and more

It certainly has been a very long while I didn’t make any blog post, hasn’t it?
I feel a bit guilty about that considering all the crap I had to take care of, for like a full year, but I guess this event should be at least covered.

Content: description of my little adventure during 3 days at Japan Expo (France, Paris, Parc des Expositions), conference with Tamura Yukari and Mishima Akio about Magical Girl Nanoha The Movie 1st, loot and many more.

Continue reading ‘Japan Expo 2010: When Hell meets Heaven. Impressions, Loot and more’

The Greatest Generation (Civilization: The Road To War – A Let’s Play Attempt)

I Kind Of Wish I Could Be Playing This On Multiplayer With Ghost or Myssa Rei as The Philippines But What Are Ya Gonna Do

Yeah well, I know I was supposed to be doing a write up of the great people feature for this installment of my Civilization IV exploits, but as everyone can probably see I struggled with how to make the idea interesting for a while.  I recall ghostlightning talking about how articles ought to be written to be as inclusive to the core readership as possible, and so I though about how to make great people a more interesting topic than just me rambling in detail about features of a game that most people likely haven’t played.  Today it hit me….the answer was to bring the game to the people, and what better way to do so then a “Let’s Play” of Civilization IV’s own controversial Road to War mod.

As one might expect there is a World War II mod for Civ IV and as I’m sure most people know World War II affected the world on a global scale with repercussions that are still affecting the world today.  Everybody no matter where they are from has seen their country influenced by the course of events of the war, and every country has it’s great people who did what they could to try and win it for their cause.   Now I said this mod is controversial, and what I mean by that I mean by that among other things is that it actually would have gotten the game banned in Germany if they had gone ahead and used the version I am planning to play which includes Hitler, Hirohito and the Nazi Germany flag.  That had to be removed from the retail version and if you play that one you will be getting Vice Chancellor Franz Von Papen and Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto for Germany and Japan respectively.  However that’s not the only controversy, because this mod is still very much a work in progress and prone to some A.I bugs, balance issues and the occasional crash as well as some very odd geographical choices.  It’s not uncommon for Road To War players to make changes to the script for the purposes of enhancing the experience for their style of WWII simulation and in fact the author has encouraged it as well.

For the purposes of this LP I have been playing as my own glorious nation, The Dominion of Canada under the difficulty setting of Chieftain with realistic events (meaning key war events take place on the day that they did in real life) on the global assault map (meaning the whole world is the stage) starting in the year 1936.  The following will catch people up to 1943 an where I am now in the conflict with all the hardship, small victories and incidental observations that came along the way.  Hope people enjoy. Continue reading ‘The Greatest Generation (Civilization: The Road To War – A Let’s Play Attempt)’

Gundam Unicorn Sneak Preview Impressions (Generic Post Idea With Unexpected Results?)

5 months I’ve waited and it’s almost here.  Bandai must have known the wait has been a killer for some because a couple days ago they ended up releasing a 7-8 minute preview of the first OVA over the Bandai Channel which eventually made its way to youtube in the clip I’ll be posting below.  First though I want to say what a nice little gift this was as a prelude to Alexandre Bilodeau bringing home the first Canadian gold medal on home soil.  This has been a week of ups and downs for me, but boy did it end great.  Anyhow the embed:

The rest of the article contains spoilers and impressions so this is your chance to look away if you don’t want to watch the preview above. Continue reading ‘Gundam Unicorn Sneak Preview Impressions (Generic Post Idea With Unexpected Results?)’

Here’s To Us……(An Introduction To Civilization IV And Why It’s Become My Favourite Game Of All Time)

Absolute Power You Say......... 🙂

About a month ago I found myself coming into some extra money so I decided to treat myself to something and on a whim I bought the Civilization IV pack off of steam and fired it on up.  Previously I had played Civilization II during high school but was too young and inexperienced in strategy and resource management to be very good at it, and I had tried to install Civ IV on my old PC when it first came out only to watch as it chugged like my mother at bar (basically impossibly slow) and become more or less unplayable after about 30 seconds.  Now with a faster PC I felt I might get to enjoy the experience and felt that Civ IV would be able to give me the chance to do something I’ve always wanted to do…..lead an Empire to glorious victory and total dominance of the globe over an epic period of time while micromanaging EVERYTHING along the way.  It’s all here and it’s proven to be pretty much as close to the perfect game for me in just over a month, far surpassing my previous all time favourite of Fire Emblem:  Seisen No Keifu which stood in it’s place in my heart for close to a decade (I still love you Fire Emblem don’t worry).

With ghostlightning’s blessing I’ve decided to start a short series on Civilization IV and why I love the game so much, and tonight with some spare time (which will also be spent playing the game of course) I figured I’d get things started.  Truthfully I coul talk all day about the intracies of Civilization IV and in 1000’s of words still not totally sum up what it’s like to actually play and experience the game’s depth and scope, but I have other things to do tonight as well so I just want to briefly talk a bit about the things that make the game awesome to me and hopefully in the process convince a few people to give it a try. Continue reading ‘Here’s To Us……(An Introduction To Civilization IV And Why It’s Become My Favourite Game Of All Time)’

May 2024

